Hotels, Lodges, Resorts and B & Bs

How often have customers not been disappointed in their accommodation because it did not meet their preconceived expectations?

Hotels and Guest Houses can now manage the customer experience and exceed expectations by promoting their accommodation with a 3D Virtual Showcase. Guests can explore their room virtually, marvel at the view and decide if they prefer the shower or the spa bath option. Information points: strategically placed in the room can promote and upsell the more luxury room options, offer the room service menu or provide additional info on extra services like spa treatments, fitness classes or concierge service.

Customers not only spend more time exploring your venue options but also have clear expectations on what they will get when they arrive. If the accommodation has met their standards and expectations, the choices will be easy to them. Your hospitality options not only managed your customer’s expectations but also improved their booking experience. They will feel right at home when they walk through the front door, almost if they “have been there before.”